
Monday, March 14, 2011

Jen's Birthday Blog Hop: Winner

Hi Everyone!! I am so happy to have participated in Jen's Birthday Blog Hop!!! It was awesome. I really loved reading the wonderful comments from all of you!! 

I received a total of 84 comments
 for the 10 piece birthday stamp set from Inkadinkado.

I used Random dot org to pick the winner.

The winner is:

Thanks to everyone who stopped by during the hop! I really appreciate those of you who became followers or signed up for email notifications via Feedburner! It was not a requirement to win, so thanks so much!!

Gina, I'll be emailing you shortly for your info.

Please come back and visit... I am always doing kids themed crafts and share lots of ideas with my visitors!

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  1. Congrats to Gina. P.S. Cheryl. I finally recieved the cutterbee today in the mail. I can't wait to use it more. Thanks so much for the prize. :) The mail here gives new meaning to the word Snail Mail indeed. :)
    Melissa D

  2. Cheryl,

    What cute stamps!!! :)

    Congratulations, Gina!!!!!!!!! Have fun inking those up!

    Crafty hugs,

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love to hear what you have to say. - Cheryl