
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Normally, my blog is centered around crafting, kids crafts, sharing Gypsy files etc.  Today, I just have a share.

My cat died last night.  He was getting very old and it was not a surprise but it really hit me hard.

His name was "Gomez", Gomie for short.  He got that name thanks to his facial markings.  He had a mustash, goatee, a part on top of his head and one side burn.  We named him after Gomez Addams from the "Addams Family."  He had the best kitty attitude I've ever seen!! 

I loved him so much, I had him since I was 16 years old (over half my life). 
He was almost 17 years old.

Gomie, we love you and you will be missed!

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  1. I'm so sorry that you lost your family pet.

  2. so sorry. . .it is amazing how much those fur babies of ours can become a part of the family:-)

  3. RIP, Gomez. Pets really do become family. Sorry for your loss.

  4. My deepest sympathy to you for your loss. I, too, have a beloved cat. Her name is Sweetie and she is approximately 15 years old now (she was a rescue). I cannot imagine my life without her.


  5. Oh Cheryl, I am so sorry. I understand completely my self. Four years ago my cat, Bobby died at the ripe old age of 19. It is so hard to say goodbye to our smallest family members. I am just glad you have such great pictures and warm memories of sweet Gomez.
    I am so glad you shared the pics. He was adorable with such great markings.


  6. So sorry to hear about your cat.

  7. Cheryl,
    So Sorry about your kitty, my heart feels for you. Since I have recently lost my precious Kasper, I understand how hard this is. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  8. I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. He was so cute.
    prayers for you

  9. I am really sorry! He looks like such a sweetheart :(

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss Cheryl ~ that would be hard for you! {{{hugs}}}

  11. Gomie sounds like he was a very special pet. I hope you can find comfort in the fact that he lived a long happy life with those he loved and loved him. So sorry for your loss of a long time friend.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  12. ((((((((((((Cheryl))))))))))))))
    I am so sorry to read this about your furchild. God bless you and may He heal your heart.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love to hear what you have to say. - Cheryl