Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My First Blog Award

Today I was honored with my very first blog award!  I feel so special! 

Ok, so on to the Award Rules.

1.Thank the person who rewarded it to you.
I would like to send a big THANK YOU to Georgiana!  Thanks so much for such an unexpected honor!

2. Copy award to your blog.

3. List 3 things you love about yourself.
a. I craft a TON with my kids.
b. I love creating, and I love sharing my creations with others.
c. I have a wonderful family!

4. Post a picture that you love on your blog.

My boys, Bryce & Owen

5. Pass the award on to 5 other inspirational people.
b.  217 Creations @  http://217creations.blogspot.com/
c. Bead U Senseless @  http://beadusenseless.blogspot.com/
e. Deonna @ http://ilovetomakecards.blogspot.com/

Thank you again to Georgiana!  I am honored to be given this award and I hope the bloggers I have selected will be as happy to receive it as I have been! 

Cheryl @ CardsbyCG.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Deonna B said...

Congratulations on your blog award and thank you for passing it on to me. What a great surprise!